Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Love Arabs P's and B's

Haha. I was letting my husband look online for something last night. He was looking up something on an Islamic site. I told him about Sunni path after he was done checking the sites that he trusted. He went to the google search bar and typed in "Sunni bath" O started laughing and he was like "What??" When the search finally came up he was like "O, oops." I was like, "Yup, we're all going to get together and have one big Sunni bath." lol

On another occasion when I was talking to him about getting to the airport to go to Egypt. He told me "take a cap." I was like "WTF?!?! Is there something that I don't know about that's called cap??" Then I realized he mean cab and laughed my head off. Just picture yourself with 2 huge bags getting into a baseball cap and going to the airport... HILARIOUS.


Skye said...

lol thats so cute sis

Ange said...

this is what i have called egyplish.

Muslim&Proud said...

lol he also said "pro-bubbly" instead of probably. took me a long time to figure out what he meant with this one.

HF said...

LOL! Yeah, here in UAE u can sometimes hear the locals say "Why are you barking in my sbace" for "Why are you parking in my space" =))