And my beautiful rabbit.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
5 Months
Now I'm off to back a pie for my dad. If anyone wants a piece just tell me lol.
Friday, May 29, 2009
1. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain
Read-very good
2. Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain
Want to read
3. The Æneid Virgil
Never heard of it
4. Age of Reason Jean Paul Sartre
Never heard of it
5. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll
Might read
6. Through the Looking Glass Lewis Carroll
Might read
7. All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque
Want to read
8. The American Henry James
Never heard of it
9. Andersonville MacKinlay Kantor
Never heard of it
10. Animal Farm George Orwel
Very good-absolute power corrupts absolutely
l11. Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy
Never heard of it
12. Arrowsmith Sinclair Lewis
Might read
13. Babbit Sinclair Lewis
Want to read
14. Bell Jar Sylivia Plath
Never heard of it
15. Beowulf
Never heard of it
16. The Bible
Read a good portion of it
17. Big Sky A.B. Guthrie
Never heard of it
18. Billy Budd Herman Meville
Never heard of it
19. Brave New World Aldous Huxley
Never heard of it
20. Brothers Karamozov Fyodor Dostoyevski
Never heard of it
21. Caine Mutiny Herman Wouk
Never heard of it
22. Call of the Wild Jack London
Never heard of it
23. Candide Voltaire
Might read
24. Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
Might read
25. The Castle Franz Kafka
Might Read
26. Catch-22 Joseph Heller
Read-crazy book
27. Catcher in the Rye J. D. Salinger
Going to read
28. The Chosen Chaim Potok
Want to Read
29. Complete Stories of Edgar Allen Poe E.A. Poe
Read some of them-some good some weird
30. Color Purple Alice Walker
want to read
31. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Mark Twain
Want to read
32. Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas
Want to read
33. Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoyevski
Want to read
34. Cry, the Beloved Country Alan Paton
Never heard of it
35. Daisy Miller Henry James
Never heard of it
36. Darkness at Noon Arthur Koestler
Never heard of it
37. David Copperfield Charles Dickens
Never heard of it
38. Death Comes for the Archbishop Willa Cather
Never heard of it
39. A Death in the Family James Agee
Might read
40. The Dollmaker Harriet Arnow
Never heard of it
41. Don Quiote de la Mancha Miguel de Cervantes
Never heard of it
42. Dracula Bram Stoker
Want to read
43. Dune Frank Herbert
Never heard of it
44. Emma Jane Austen
Never heard of it
45. Ethan Frome Edith Wharton
Read-slow to start but was good
46. Farenheit 451 Ray Bradbury
Read-very good
47. A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemmingway
Want to read
48. Farewell to Manzanar Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston
Never heard of it
49. Fathers and Sons Ivan Turgenve
Never heard of it
50. The Fixer Bernard Malamud
Never heard of it
51. Flowers for Algernon Daniel Keyes
Never heard of it
52. For Whom the Bell Tolls Ernest Hemingway
Want to read
53. Frankenstein Mary Shelly
Want to Read
54. French Lieutenant's Woman John Fowles
Never heard of it
55. Germinal Emile Zola
Never heard of it
56. Giant Edna Ferber
Want to read
57. Giants in the Earth Ole E. Rolvaag
Want to read
58. Go Tell it on the Mountain James Baldwin
Might read
59. Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell
Want to read
60. Good Earth Pearl S. Buck
Read-very good
61. Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck
Read-very very good
62. Great Expectations Charles Dickens
Might read
63. Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald
Read-hated it
64. Great Short Works of Joseph Conrad Joseph Conrad
Never heard of it
65. Green Mansions W.H. Hudson
Never heard of it
66. Grendel John Gardiner
Never heard of it
67. Gulliver's Travels Johnathon Swift
Never heard of it
68. Heart is a Lonely Hunter Carson McCullers
Never heard of it
69. Hiroshima John Hersey
Read-very good
70. The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien
Read-very good
71. House of Seven Gables Nathaniel Hawthorne
Might read
72. Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo
Want to read
73. I Heard the Owl Call My Name Margaret Craven
Might read
74. I Never Promised You a Rose Garden Hannah Green
Might read
75. The Iliad Homer
Never heard of it
76. In This Sign Joanne Greenberg
Never heard of it
77. Invisible Man Ralph Ellison
Want to read
78. Ivanhoe Sir Walter Scott
Never heard of it
79. Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte
Never heard of it
80. The Jungle Upton Sinclair
Want to read
81. Jungle Books Rudyard Kipling
Might read
82. Kidnapped Robert Lewis Stevenson
Want to read
83. The King Must Die Mary Renault
Want to read
84. Kristen Lavransdatter Sigrid Undset
Never heard of it
85. Last of the Mohicans James Fenimore Cooper
Want to read
86. Little Women Louisa May Alcott
Might read
87. Look Homeward Angel Thomas Wolfe
Never heard of it
88. Lord Jim Joseph Conrad
Never heard of it
89. Lord of the Flies William Golding
90. Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien
Read-Very good
91. Madame Bovary Gustav Flaubert
Never heard of it
92. Magic Mountain Thomas Mann
Might read
93. Main Street Sinclair Lewis
Might read
94. Mayor of Casterbridge Thomas Hardy
Never heard of it
95. Metamorphis Franz Kafka
Never heard of it
96. Mill on the Floss George Eliot
Never heard of it
97. Les Miserables Victor Hugo
Might read
98. Moby Dick Herman Melville
Want to read
99. Moll Flanders Daniel Defoe
Never heard of it
100. Le Morte D'Arthur Thomas Malory
Never heard of it
101. Mutiny on the Bounty Charles Nordhoff
Might read
102. My Antonia Willa Cather
Never heard of it
103. Native Son Richard Wright
Want to read
104. The Natural Bernard Malamud
Never heard of it
105. Nausea Jean Paul Sartre
Never heard of it
106. 1984 George Orwell
Going to read
107. Nectar in a Sieve Kamala Markandaya
Never heard of it
108. Northwest Passage Kenneth Roberts
Never heard of it
109. The Odyssey Homer
Might Read
110. Of Human Bondage W. Somerset Maugham
Never heard of it
111. Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck
112. Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway
Might read
113. Oliver Twist Charles Dickens
Might read
114. On the Beach Nevil Shute
115. The Once and Future King T.H. White
Want to read
116. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Alexander Solzhenitzyn
Never heard of it
117. One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Might read
118. The Oxbow Incident Walter van Tilburg Clark
Never heard of it
119. Painted Bird Jerzy Kosinski
Never heard of it
120. Pearl John Steinbeck
Want to read
121. Le Pere Goriot Honore De Balzac
Never heard of it
122. The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde
Never heard of it
123. Pilgim's Progress John Bunyon
Never heard of it
124. The Plague Albert Camus
Never heard of it
125. Portrait of a Lady Henry James
Might read
126. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce
Never heard of it
127. Power and the Glory Graham Greene
Might read
128. Pride and Prejudice Jane Austin
Want to read
129. Quo Vadis Henryk Sienkiewicz
Never heard of it
130. Rabbit Run John Updike
Might read
131. Rebecca Daphne Dumaurier
Never heard of it
132. The Red and the Black Henri Stendhal
Never heard of it
133. Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane
Want to read
134. Red Pony John Steinbeck
Might read
135. Return of the Native Thomas Hardy
Never heard of it
136. Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe
Want to read
137. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Mildred Taylor
Might read
138. Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorn
Read-good except old English lol
139. Separate Peace John Knowles
140. Shane Jack Schaefer
Never heard of it
141. Sherlock Holmes, the Complete Stories A. Conan Doyle
Might read
142. Siddhartha Herman Hesse
Never heard of it
143. Silas Marner George Eliot
Never heard of it
144. Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser
Never heard of it
145. Slaughterhouse-five Kurt Vonnegut
Might read
146. Song of Roland
Never heard of it
147. Sons and Lovers D.H. Lawrence
Never heard of it
148. Sound and the Fury William Faulkner
Never heard of it
149. Stranger Albert Camus
Never heard of it
150. Sun Also Rises Ernest Hemingway
Want to read
151. Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens
Want to read
152. Three Musketeers Alexander Dumas
Want to read
153. Time Machine H.G. Wells
Want to read
154. The Tin Drum Gunter Grass
Never heard of it
155. To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
Read-very good
156. To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf
Might read
157. Tom Jones Henry Fielding
Never heard of it
158. Treasure Island Robert Lewis Stevenson
Want to read
159. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Betty Smith
Might read
160. Turn of the Screw Henry James
Never heard of it
161. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne
Might read
162. U.S.A. John Dos Passos
Never heard of it
163. Ugly American William J. Lederer/Eugene Burdick
Might read
164. Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe
Want to read
165. Vanity Fair William Thackeray
Never heard of it
166. Walkabout James Marshall
Never heard of it
167. War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
Want to read
168. Wind, Sand and Stars Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Never heard of it
169. Winesburg, Ohio Sherwood Anderson
Never heard of it
170. Women in Love D.H. Lawrence
Never heard of it
171. Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte
Never heard of it
172. The Yearling Marjory K. Rawlings
Want to read
173. You Can't Go Home Again Thomas Wolfe
Want to read
174. Zorba the Greek Nikos Kazantzakis
Never heard of it
The ones that I've never heard of I still would like to read... I will just be after i get the others done first lol.
Honorable mentions:
Holy Quran-very good
The Earth's Children's Series Jean Auel -very good
HArry Potter Rowling-who doesn't like it?? lol
Packing and Swimming
SWIMMING!!! I loooove it. I also really miss it. The last time I swam was at the Sister's Sports Night my MSA at college threw. This was way back in Jan. We walked out with wet hair at 5 in the morning to like 0 degree (Fahrenheit) weather. :S Well tomorrow my masjid is having a sister swim night at a local YMCA. I'm ooooo so excited! I miss it even though I'm not good.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
My "Pets"
Everyday we have a million and a half birds lol
- goldfinch
- cardinals
- robins
- indigo buntings
- red breasted grosbeaks
- pheasants
- turkey vultures
- bald eagles
- grackles
- blue birds
- humming birds
- oriels
I also have seen mannny deer, snakes, opossums, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, and a fox. I absolutely love watching the animals sometimes. Tonight I waited until my little masked bandit came and watched him eat for awhile. Then I watched a bat fly around for a bit. My picture by the way is a deer my dad saw and took the pic of up north. He's a good photographer.
The Secret Life of Words
First, it starts out as just showing this woman working. Then all of a sudden this little girls voice starts talking in the background. I was like "...if this is a horror movie I'm NOT watching it." But the little voice soon goes away. The woman is forced by her company to take a vacation, so she leaves to a little hotel on the sea. While she was there, she overheard someone needing a nurse for a burn patient that is also blind out on an oil rig. She takes the job and starts working with him.
He tries to get information out of her about who she is but she won't tell him anything. After working with him for awhile, he tells her a story about how he can't swim and has a fear of water, and another about how he fell in love with his best friends wife. She finally tells him about her life which turns out the she was forced to be a prostitute in the Yugoslav Wars. During that time she witnessed a mother forced to kill her daughter, and the girls that screamed at all would be cut open with shards of glass. She had slowly watched her one friend die from being cut open and not being treated. She then has him feel the shoulder area of her chest which is covered in scares from being cut.
The guy is air lifted off of the oil rig and she leaves him, but sends with him a backpack that has enough info in it for him to find her. He does and convinces her that she will be alright. It then cuts to her getting a glass of water by herself in a nice house and the little girls voice comes back. The little girl says that the woman doesn't think about her too much now except when she's alone on Sunday morning when her husband is getting the paper and her sons are out next door. "Yes, she has 2 sons now. My brothers." At this I started crying. It doesn't say if she had the baby or if she was forced to give it up...
I looked up information online about the Yugoslav Wars and found out it was basically an ethnic war. Rape camps or camps to impregnate women were set up, so the "pure" race men would rape "impure" women until they became pregnant. They did this because they thought the child would take on the fathers ethnicity and that would purify the land of unwanted ethnic groups.
I was horrified to read this. I didn't know anything about it even though it happened from 1991-2001. Why can't people just accept different ethnic groups for what they are? Why must one group be better than the other? Can't we just live in peace with everyone, no matter what their ethnic groups or background is? I also highly doubt that the ethnicity of these people were all that different...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

While in Egypt this summer it's my wish to buy many things. Including a ton of hijabs, a prayer rug, and some abayas. I told this to a friend of mine and he sent me a link of something he said isn't called an abaya but didn't know that name. I was wondering if any of you could help me out on the name of it. I really like it. I want to get plain black ones and ones that are colored. :)


Monday, May 25, 2009
So about me. I am a recent revert to Islam. I absolutely love it. I took on the hijab the first day which I also love. I am a college student studying civil engineering. I know... I'm crazy. I got good grades this year, elhamdolallah. This summer I will be traveling to Egypt. My family thinks they will never see me again. Those same family members are giving me a hard time about my conversion, but I just try to smile and ignore them.
Please pass my blog onto some sisters. I would love to meet more and get their input.
Well that's all I have for now. Leave me comments for more ideas to write about hehe.